Thursday, January 7, 2010

Trust, and now the lack thereof

they hurt me again, my "best" friends. they hurt me a lot. i think they don't even notice.

we were supposed to hangout tonight. well, they did, and i didn't. this is the second time that they've conveniently "forgotten" me.

i can't blame them. i'm desperate for their love and attention. all i want is for someone to love me, and they say they do. but if you love someone, do you forget about them. i don't know. i don't trust them as much anymore. and i find that incredibly sad.

so enough of my moping, today's list. theres 10 since i didnt do a post yesterday.

1. All of the homeless poeple stuck in the cold, -50 windchill! WTF?
2. My C key. it's all stuck and whatnot.
3. People who live without food.
4. People who are alone. I hate it, i bet they do too.
5. People who betray their friends. God bless them, everyone. (idr the scripture, but to heap burning oals on the heads of those that hurt you, ask God to bless them. perfet revenge)
6. My friend Cameron finished the rough draft of his novel, he needs an agent =] same as me.
7. All of my friends. i love them so much.
8. Our world leaders, that the make the right decisions for our world.
9. The planet itself, we're killing it people.
10. Last but definitely not least, Candy. The girl and her situation worries me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sleep Deprivation...and Cosplay!!


i needs it :) other than that, the world is good. i think. maybe.

>.< i'm hungry. ANYWAY topic for today...topic for today... i guess...COSPLAY!!! WOOO i want too soooo fricking bad. Cosplay rocks, and there are SO many people out there that do it, that rock too!! Who would i cosplay as, you ask? DEMYX ZOMG. <3 <3 <3 <3 yeah, i really really really really like Demyx from Kingdom Hearts 2 + the others he's in...seriously, i would rape him if he was real probably. lol, one of MANY people that would though so ya know i wouldnt cuz seriously...there are a LOT of Demyx fans...long list and well by the time i got a piece who knows what he'd have or where he'd been?

ewwww STDs!! -flail-

yeah, i'm a bit obsessive on the Demyx thing. >.> it's the fanboy thingy lol. i want his sitar! ima make me one =] when i start cosplaying. which'll be in a few years. now way in heaven am i doing it while im fat and slobby =] lol. i want to be a pretty Demyx. lol.

My Prayer List for Today!! *singsong voice*:

1. Candy again.
2. For anyone who is stuck in the weather that's coming... (-10 wind chill! ZOMGWTFBBQ?!)
3. Betsy again :D that she gets the opportunity to do missions, if her heart and God are both still telling her too, and that if she gets to go she'll be safe. =]
4. Weight loss for any and all who need it! (i do!! badly >.< )
5. Again, for my publishing and lack thereof. >.< so much poetry...