Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sleep Deprivation...and Cosplay!!


i needs it :) other than that, the world is good. i think. maybe.

>.< i'm hungry. ANYWAY topic for today...topic for today... i guess...COSPLAY!!! WOOO i want too soooo fricking bad. Cosplay rocks, and there are SO many people out there that do it, that rock too!! Who would i cosplay as, you ask? DEMYX ZOMG. <3 <3 <3 <3 yeah, i really really really really like Demyx from Kingdom Hearts 2 + the others he's in...seriously, i would rape him if he was real probably. lol, one of MANY people that would though so ya know i wouldnt cuz seriously...there are a LOT of Demyx fans...long list and well by the time i got a piece who knows what he'd have or where he'd been?

ewwww STDs!! -flail-

yeah, i'm a bit obsessive on the Demyx thing. >.> it's the fanboy thingy lol. i want his sitar! ima make me one =] when i start cosplaying. which'll be in a few years. now way in heaven am i doing it while im fat and slobby =] lol. i want to be a pretty Demyx. lol.

My Prayer List for Today!! *singsong voice*:

1. Candy again.
2. For anyone who is stuck in the weather that's coming... (-10 wind chill! ZOMGWTFBBQ?!)
3. Betsy again :D that she gets the opportunity to do missions, if her heart and God are both still telling her too, and that if she gets to go she'll be safe. =]
4. Weight loss for any and all who need it! (i do!! badly >.< )
5. Again, for my publishing and lack thereof. >.< so much poetry...

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